Passive 15
Passive 15
Passive 15
Passive 15

L5 115F

Passive 15" fullrange

Artno: 440892

9 929 kr (inkl. mva)



Able to handle 2,400 watts peak as a stand-alone cabinet, this ultra efficient 15″/1″ fullrange mid/ high unit is the loudest reference speaker in its class. Like the L5 FA 112 F, it features an asymmetrical horn with an optimized the coverage pattern that is wider up front and grows more directed with distance, thereby achieving greater range.

- Dimensions (mm) : 450 x 710 x 450

- Finishing : Black

- Power : 600 W

- Speaker diameter : 15"

- Tweeter : 1"

- Weight (kg) : 30,10 kg

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